To Attract a Conscious, Abundant, and Fulfilling Relationship you need to Match the energy of your List within your Self first. You will need to be Aligned in your Vibrational Energy Frequency with that what you Want to attract.

Right now you might get Some of want you Want, and Some of what you Don't Want, what is in Absence of what you Want. You are basically still in the Shift of Defining what you Want. And this comes from your Life Experiences.

So when you make a List of Who you want to attract, and What you want in a Relationship think about the following example:

  • You want someone who is nice
  • You want someone who is considerate
  • You want someone who cares about you
  • You want someone who cares about themselves
  • You want someone who is easy to be with
  • You want someone who is energetic and alive
  • You want someone who gets up and greets the day happily
  • You want someone who rises easily to feeling good
  • You want someone who criticises hardly at all
  • You want someone who is a thinking person
  • You want someone who had life experience
  • You want someone who is eager about Life
  • You want someone who dresses well
  • You want someone who likes money and nice things
  • You want someone who drives a nice car
  • You want someone who is Intuitive enough to know when he is in Alignment and when he is not
  • You want someone who Understands creating their own Reality
  • You want someone who takes Responsibility for their own
Expectation is the Marriage between Desire and Belief. You get what you Expect. When you Want something but don't Expect it, it won't come about. Your expectation equals your point of attraction.

You choose it all, though not always deliberately and consciously. Though remember that You are a Co-Creator which is in the deep DNA of your Being.

Focus for say 3 months on your Own Vibrational Energy. Match your own Vibrational Energy first with what you Want, whether it is a Conscious Relationship or anything else. And then see what starts to Shift in your Reality.

What you Expect will Come to you, aligned with whatever you match your Vibration to.

Angelique ॐ


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