Business and Spirituality can go together

There was a time when Business and Spirituality seem to be divided in almost two different Realities. Business was seen more as the hungry-for-money people, being successful with a bit Ego, the greedy ones. Spiritually was seen more as the floaty ones, the dreamers, the hippies and gypsies. 

But time has Evolved, people have been Awakened, have been raising their levels of Consciousness, and a better understanding of what Spiritually is actually about. People are now more aligned within their Being, practicing Mindfulness, Meditation, Yoga, and doing daily Affirmations. And yes, Successful business people do that too, on a daily basis.

In this time and age, more and more people in Business understand there is no separation between your personal and business life, and also not between people who have been labeled before for being a certain type of person. 

The Awakened and High Consciousness people now understand that money is Energy too, just a form of exchange. That when you share more, you will have more, to keep the flow of Abundance going, in every aspect of Life. They also know that when you are Aligned with the Frequency of the Universe, that everything always works out how it meant to be, and for the greater good, and that there is no lack in anything really. 

Ego makes place for Kindness and Compassion. Success means you can Have more and therefor Give more. A good running business means you can give work to others, and help others in different ways. 

Are there still people out there who are selfish and run on Ego Energy? Yes there are, and always will be, this just means they have not evolved as much, or learned the true knowledge of being in touch with their True Self, and are not Awakened or raised to higher levels of Consciousness yet. 
And that's okay, as Everyone is at their own Journey and exactly where they are meant to be at this moment in time, in what they need for their Soul growth and development. 

Successful business people are in some way always in touch with their Spiritually, whether they are Consciously aware about it or not, as we all have different levels of Consciousness we go through ( which I talk about in my Ebook Sacred Beliefs ). 

Spirituality and Business has always been aligned, especially when you learn to realise that Everything is Energy. And where you feed your Energy to, good or bad, will have affect in the same way, as well in your Personal life as in your Business. 

I offer my Ebook "Sacred Beliefs" for FREE, when you like to learn more about Mindset, the different levels of Consciousness we Evolve in, and How to attract Abundance, to learn properly Manifesting, and to create a more happy and fulfilled life, then click the link below for Instant Access: 

With Love,
Angelique ღ

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